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Private Lessons (Cours Prives)


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Private Lessons (Cours Prives)

A group of twelve students living on an all-male campus get pleasure where they can with no girls around in Private Lessons. On campus, the lack of girls is zip-straining, but communal living is strangely intriguing. Who's Martin, the young straight German boy? The little straight boy's beauty and shyness drive the place wild. The housekeeper abuses his authority to satiate his carnal desires. Underground relationships are formed. The sexual tension in these twelve hunks must explode. Pleasure has no limits when you're twenty. Rules are for adults.

Editor's notes: Spoken entirely in its native language, there are no subtitles on this film. While we feel it doesn't detract from the overall viewing experience (in fact, we were fine without them), we wanted to make you aware of this situation prior to your purchase.

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